
The Surveysights Research and Development is an open and welcoming platform of grassroots NGOs who wish to tap carbon resources for the sustainable development of the poor. Membership criteria and procedures are not written in stone.

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The Surveysights Research and Development is an open and welcoming platform of grassroots NGOs who wish to tap carbon resources for the sustainable development of the poor. Membership criteria and procedures are not written in stone.

As a result, we comprise a wide range of committed and competent individuals and organisations, including grassroots NGOs, climate change activists, journalists, environmental NGOs, northern (donor) NGOs, youth and youth groups, carbon investors, social entrepreneurs, carbon auditors, suppliers of green technology, IT companies and professionals, finance experts, management consultants, etc.

The unique characteristic of this Network is that it is a meeting of different persons and organisations, each with their own viewpoint. Each has gathered for a different purpose. Each of these motives is valid, real and absolutely essential. Without such diverse ambitions, concerns and capabilities, we will not be able to pull off what we have individually come here to achieve. Each person here present has something to offer, that we as a whole need. Our getting together is a multilateral gathering that generates bilateral benefits. Should participants feel that such a loose getting together serves no purpose, they will simply opt out. This hasn't happened and our numbers have grown.

In the process, we will inevitably bump into areas where we need to make common stand. We will collectively lobby for model ERPA's and ethical carbon revenue sharing arrangements that are attractive to Carbon Investors simply because they are implementable. We will together develop appropriate Methodologies that cater to our specific needs. We will argue our case to overcome EB hurdles. We will present a joint front to the Designated National Authority. We will develop Standards and Benchmarks that the mainstream will find difficult to ignore or bypass.

But the biggest joint venture we will constantly undertake is to bolster each other's confidence. Taking the plunge to invest humongous amounts of money, time and effort to develop pro-poor CDM Projects is not easy. We are here for each other.